How to reach your target audience on Instagram complete guide

How to reach your target audience on Instagram complete guide

In order to achieve the goals set for the business on Instagram, it is necessary to collect subscribers who are related to the target audience. To get started, let's try to understand the concept of the target audience.

How to identify your target audience on Instagram
Any business begins with a client, his needs, desires and pains. Ideally, when creating an account, you already know everything about your client, for whom you are creating your product, about its joys and needs. Knowing your target audience helps to create interesting content, communicate with customers correctly, and correctly configure advertising.

Successful content costs 5 whales:

What we say;
To whom we speak;
As we say;
Where are we talking;
When we speak.

Each of these issues is somehow related to the understanding of the target audience. To answer them you need to know your customers well. We have prepared a list of 27 questions that will help you advance in understanding your target audience. Answer them thoroughly and thoughtfully.

What gender are most?
How old are they?
What is their income level?
What is their education?
What is their marital status?
Do they have children? How old and how old?
In what area do they work: finance, accounting, medicine, education, etc.?
In what format: hired work, entrepreneurship, freelance?
To what cultural level can these people be attributed?
Do they read books and what, if so?
What movie genres do you prefer?
What kind of music do they listen to?
What kind of transport do you drive?
How do you like to spend your time when you free?
What is your clothing style?
Do they attend trainings on what topic: psychology, entrepreneurship, personal growth?
Where and how often do people go on vacation?
What is important for these people: functionality, convenience, security?
Money status?
Are people from your Central Asia committed to healthy lifestyle?
Do they live in their hometown, recently moved to a stranger, or moved a long time ago and have already mastered?
What is the first thing they pay attention to when making a purchasing decision: product quality, service, cost, convenience of purchase, individual approach?
Are representatives of your target audience emotional shopping?
Whose opinion is based on in decision making?
What ideas and values ​​are close to them?
What problems do they solve every day?
What do they secretly want more than anything else?

After you have decided on the main characteristics of your audience, we will go directly to finding it on Instagram. We divided all methods into paid and shareware. Why shareware? Because directly you do not pay anyone money, but at the same time spend the most valuable and non-renewable resource - time.

You may already be using some of the described methods, but who said repetition is bad. Others are sure to help make a breakthrough and increase the number of subscribers not by a hundred, but by a thousand.

Start over.
Where to find your targetInstagram Followers
You need to build a base of your potential customers, to understand where your future subscribers are. Further, depending on your beliefs, such scenarios are possible: you connect an automated massfollowing service to work or manually work with the resulting list. By manual work, we understand that you personally, without involving special programs, go to the necessary accounts and subscribe to them, like and leave comments. Many automation services on Instagram offer to leave comments of this type: “Cool”, “Great photo”, “Super” or just a set of emojis. This option is not very good, often the main emotion that such a comment causes is irritation. But, you do not want your business to be associated with obscure comments, not to the point. Therefore, it is worth spending time and engaging in an independent and thoughtful pastime on Instagram. If it is better to comment on your own, then massfolding can be entrusted to specialized services. If it’s right to gather an audience, the increase in quality subscribers will not be long in coming.

Search for your target audience on Instagram:
Using “spies” for Instagram
By geolocation
From VK
To find your target audience, we recommend using special programs or online services - parsers: SocialKit, Zengram, DoInsta, Insta.Tools, #Epicinsta

With their help, a huge amount of information is processed in a matter of hours; manually, such work can take months.
The algorithm of work is as follows: using the program you collect competitors, from the list of competitors choose active subscribers with whom you work in the future.

You can also collect the audience of a blogger whose subscribers may correspond to your target audience - to check this, use the service of analysis of Real Instagram Followers UK, for example
With the help of such services, we can evaluate the demographic and geo parameters of the audience, its approximate interests, in order to compare it with our characteristics of Central Asia.

Work in conjunction with VK - Instagram
It so happens that parsing competitors on Instagram does not give enough results. In this case, we have a plan B. Namely, VK social network. According to Brand Analytics statistics, the number of users on this network exceeds Instagram followers. So come here with your problem. Moreover, for VK there are many excellent services that help you find accounts by the specified parameters in this network, as well as compare them with the ID in Instagram. In other words, you find profiles of people in VK and also find them on Instagram.

For these purposes, use: Silver, Pepper.Ninja, Segmento Target
Target Hunter.
How do these services work?
They help to gather an audience in VK by groups, communities, interests and dozens of other parameters. In some Instagram profiles are indicated - the service will upload them to you in a separate list.
Targeted advertising
Targeted ads are ads that Instagram users see in their feed along with other posts. Instagram has the ability to configure advertising directly on the account profile, on a specific publication. Advertisements appear both in stories and in the feed. The format of advertisements varies from still images to video. When setting up an advertising campaign, it is you who determines who will see your advertisement. If you run ads from Ads Manager on the Facebook interface, then you have the opportunity to choose from political views to your favorite TV shows.

Through the Instagram interface, you can also launch targeted advertising, it will take significantly less time, but the breadth of customization options is much less. BUT it’s always worth trying the automatic Instagram audience, especially in campaigns to attract new subscribers - in some cases it works fine and subscribers get 5-7 rubles each. Just select 5-7 posts from the feed and each of them in turn run at 500-1000 rubles, measure the result using the account analytics service.
Let's look at what to consider when creating ads for Instagram through the Facebook interface:
Demographic characteristics
The “Sex” setting contains three options: male, female, everything. Age is chosen in the range from 13 to 65+ years. Language - different options are available, from one to several.
It is possible to select both several countries and a single point on the map using a pin. In this setting, it is possible to select by the following parameters:
All people
Recent visitors
Detailed targeting
In detailed targeting, there are 3 large groups of settings: demographic characteristics, interests, behavior.
Demographics include such characteristics:
Education - level of education, field of study, educational institutions, years of the last year.
Life event - in a new relationship, in a relationship far away, away from hometown, away from family, birthday, recently moved, friends, recently engaged, new job, newlyweds
Parents - parents with babies (0 - 12 months), parents of children from 1 to 2 years old, parents with children of preschool age, parents of primary school children, parents with teenage children, parents with adult children.
Politicians (USA)
Marital status - married, widower / widow, divorced, everything is complicated, engaged.
Work - employers, industry, positions.
Interests - the most powerful and voluminous section of targeting.
Instagram determines the interests of people depending on which accounts the person has subscribed to.
Targeting is carried out in nine categories: business and industry, food and drink, shopping and fashion, entertainment, family and relationships, sports and outdoor activities, technology, fitness and a healthy lifestyle, hobbies and hobbies.
Behavior: Ramadan, Soccer, anniversary, online activities, other categories, consumer classification, multicultural affiliation, purchasing behavior, politics (USA), mobile device user, travel, expatriates.
Blogger Ads
Bloggers, popular personalities, opinion leaders are another option for contacting your target audience. According to Nielsen market research, 92% of buyers trust word of mouth, and Schlesinger Associates data shows that 81% of marketers were satisfied with the placements of opinion leaders.

Followers of a popular blogger trust him, their loyalty is high. Therefore, by advertising, your account with a blogger in one form or another, you get a cohort of new potential customers. It’s important that the blogger’s audience should also be your target audience. For example, your account specializes in the manufacture and delivery of fruit bouquets. You know that your main clients are middle managers, aged 30 - 40 years old, who are tired of monotonous, banal gifts. Therefore, a suitable blogger to get to know your account has an active audience of just such subscribers. You can find the necessary bloggers:
On my own
On specialized exchanges (Epicstars, Plibber, LabelUp),
In telegram channels (the most popular telegram channel in Runet Olga Berek @fromBerek).
The format of publications among opinion leaders is the most diverse - from the usual publication in the feed to giveaway. Choose a possible option taking into account the specifics of your account.
Thematic communities
This method is similar to the previous version, only with the peculiarity that such accounts do not have separate, public personalities. The basis of such accounts is a certain topic. You can find such pages on exchanges, in Instagram searches, by hashtags. Here is a selection of popular urban communities:
Next, we move on to shareware methods. Here you have to rely only on your charisma and excellent content.

Joint activity
Joining is always a good idea. To search for your target audience, you can join with other accounts and conduct various activities together. It could be:

Marathon - several bloggers come together to organize a marathon for their subscribers. In this way, an “exchange” of subscribers takes place and everyone wins. Accounts receive new subscriptions, users receive useful and interesting information from bloggers.
Joint live broadcasts - bloggers organize joint live broadcasts in which they share valuable information with subscribers. Thus, the audience is expanded.
Mutopiar - bloggers talk in stories or publications about another account that is interesting to their target audience.
Work with account content
In addition to the above methods of recruiting the target audience, there are a number of ways that will help to increase the base of subscribers. It's about the content of the account. This is hackneyed and banal wisdom, but nonetheless it works - create high-quality and interesting content, engage users in the life of your account, and use game mechanics.
Instagram has such a tab where the recommended publications and videos are located. For each user, this tab displays content that is relevant to his requests. It is not known for certain how to get into the Recommended, but posts that quickly gain coverage after publication are more likely to fall into this section.
Like time
Like time is an activity that helps to recruit new subscribers. In a post, the blogger announces the start of like time and voices the conditions. As a rule, these are several likes or publications, a subscription to you and an invitation to subscribe to several friends. After the end of like time, the blogger uploads photos of participants with links to their accounts.
Contests and more
Competitions do not always lead the target audience. To avoid the influx of inappropriate audience, you need to carefully approach the conditions and the prize itself. The best option is everything related to your account.

In addition to competitions, there are many other options to attract the target audience to your light. See how other Instagram users work with this issue and take it on board.